All of the following file extensions are added to the end of the regular filename and extension. example: samplevideo.mp4.crdownload
Some of these file extensions may be used by other software for other purposes. Conflicts noted below.
Code: Select all
.part -- Generic (Firefox, youtube-dl, Go!Zilla, eMule, eDonkey, JDownloader, Skype, zsync, Transmission, etc)
.crdownload -- Google Chrome
.download -- Apple Safari
.opdownload -- Opera
.partial -- Internet Explorer 9+
.!qB -- qBittorrent (bittorrent)
.!ut -- uTorrent (bittorrent)
.bc! -- BitComet (bittorrent)
.bc -- BitComet (bittorrent) (Conflict: Adobe Bridge Cache File)
.!bt -- BitTorrent (bittorrent)
.bt! -- BitSpirit (bittorrent)
.az! -- Vuze (aka Azureus) (bittorrent)
.ob! -- Orbit Downloader
.fb! -- FlashGet
.jc! -- FlashGet
.jc -- FlashGet
.td -- Thunder (aka Xunlei, Chinese download manager)
.dtapart -- DownloadThemAll! (old Firefox Extension)
.downloading -- Pando (Microsoft Oulook plug-in)
.dstudio -- DownloadStudio
.adadownload -- Adobe Download Assistant
.appdownload -- Mac App Store
.dlm -- Akamai Download Manager
.dap -- Download Accelerator Plus (Conflict: MS Access)
.dctmp -- DC++ (Direct Connect)
As a wildcard match search:
References: Contribute to this list if you know of any others.