I don't use it every day, but when I do it does what it is supposed to do.
I have identified a problem when Docker images are present on the system.
When indexing the: "C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\" folder Everything never completes.
Indexing this folder(s) never completes. ( tested on two of my machines )
This probably depends on the docker images that are cached there.
If left unchecked Everything.exe will consume all available memory ( it was at around 60 GB this morning ).
My suggestion would be to exclude docker image/volume folder ( "C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\*" ) by default.
If this folder is excluded, then memory usage stays reasonable at around 600 MB for 2.5 M files ( in my particular case ).
I have 32 GB of physical memory and 50 GB swap file.
If I allow Everything to scan the: "C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\" folder, it will never complete this scan and consume over 60 GB of memory.
It would be nice if there was an option to limit the maximum amount of memory used by the app.
Everything could then pause indexing and ask the user if indexing should continue ( preferably the user could enter a new memory limit ).
I have used /debug and /verbose:
Version.info: Everything, Version (x64), Windows NT 6.2, Processors 4, IsAdmin 1, AppData 0, Service 0
If I turn on verbose it fills the debug window with messages like this one:
scan C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\c8a24937d9f3826ef9a0ce653b4309757e5101b161bbf356b271e44f0f4b4c97\Files\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_netrass.inf.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18362.1_en-us_4e11a3c2fae813bf\*
When I do want to search for files inside the docker file "swamp", allow Everything to index this folder.
Using /debug and /verbose I see that "new results" are sent in about 5 to 10 second intervals:
Code: Select all
new results
update index C:
updated C: in 0.000613 seconds
processed usn records in 0.000483 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000055 seconds
new results
update index C:
updated C: in 0.000640 seconds
processed usn records in 0.003218 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000082 seconds
new results
update index C:
updated C: in 0.003631 seconds
processed usn records in 0.002812 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000173 seconds
new results
Here are three screenshots that show the memory usage going to 14.6 GB.
This continues and will grow to 60 GB or more if not interrupted.
After most of the virtual memory is used other apps start crashing.
I understand the issue and I don't expect you to fix this ( other than maybe exclude the docker folder by default ).
There is a workaround ( exclude "C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\" folder from index ).
I hope this information might help others if they encounter this issue.
Best regards,