2 questions: can everything search handle 4tb?
Is it possible to quickly open and close the app so that its not using resources when its not running (its the sort of app that I'd run once a day at most, but would potentially save hours of faffing )
4tb+ too much?
Re: 4tb+ too much?
Yes, 4TB is no problem at all. I routinely search 17+ TB of files across 15 or more attached USB drives.2 questions: can everything search handle 4tb?
Yes. It does not use any resources when not running -- just make sure you close it fully, and it's still not appearing in the system tray. The longer the interval between usages and depending on the amount of file changes on your system in between, it will take more or less time when starting up again as it processes the updates that occurred since the last time it ran. But this still is very quick.Is it possible to quickly open and close the app so that its not using resources when its not running (its the sort of app that I'd run once a day at most, but would potentially save hours of faffing
Re: 4tb+ too much?
i've used in for a minute, I'm in love already.
Re: 4tb+ too much?
I currently have a 6TB RAID 5 array and ET has no problem with it.