program - compare folders only
program - compare folders only
Im looking for some kind of program that will compare folder properties only. Specifically, compare folders with the same names across 2 different directories but compare to a selected name and date modified or date created or size… it should be in tree view so that its alot easier to see differences and comparisons. I need customization. Does anyone know of a software that does this ? Thank you
Re: program - compare folders only
Not really sure what you're after, but a File Manger should be able to compare directories, by various means.
Same; name, size, date/time, attributes, content, & combinations thereof.
Same; name, size, date/time, attributes, content, & combinations thereof.
Re: program - compare folders only
like for example if you use TGRM’s viceversa pro it tags each file name with a red dot or plus and minus sign if the same filename exists but has different attributes the big issue with that software is that it doesnt take into account date modified or a combination of values such as size and date modified and any checksums etc…