Hi,I'm using everything on a file server,
performing searches on the client with everything as ETP client,
when I make the search, I'm getting a result like:
\\(server name)\(server local drive)\path\file.xxx
to open the file on the client, I need a path like:
\\(server name)\(share name)\path\file.xxx
there's a way to "remap" the results of the search?
thank in advace
use on file server
Re: use on file server
Unfortunately the currently version of "Everything" uses hard coded links with the following syntax:
\\server name\drive
You will need to share each drive, or
You might like to try the following beta:
This version uses the admin shares instead.
\\server name\drive
You will need to share each drive, or
You might like to try the following beta:
This version uses the admin shares instead.