Thank you for your replies, Void and NotNull!
Then, apparently, I'm in front of a program bug.
I was first secretly relieved to find it was a program version problem, so I upgraded to the latest stable, (the Help > Check update menu entry told me I had the latest minutes ago, go figure).
But even with the problem is still present.
I wouldn't want to waste your time and interest, really, I'm fine with having a little problem, it's not the end of the world. Nobody's got 36 hour long days (I wish I had.)
But if you are interested in trying to find why it happens because you're interested in eliminating it, I don't mind going through testing.
What I confirmed myself is that
- the problem only happens for the files present on one precise partition. The drive that contains this partition has two other partitions, and them they don't have this problem.
- that partition contains a bit of everything, but in total (control-A: properties), there are over 332k files and 31k folders, for a total of 793 GB. NTFS.
- I checkdisked that partition (default options in windows10) and no errors were found
- In the program options, every time there was that button, I clicked to reset the options, just in case, no change.
- if I force the reconstruction of the index, I'm once again shown proper results... until I repeat the testing, haha.
What I haven't tested: are proper results shown eventually? Like, after 30 minutes, 2 hours, or something? It's something I'll be testing for the next days.
The details of the problem
- if I delete a folder/file already present in that particular partition, Everything will still show that partition as present
- If I search for a name that is not present "right now" in that partition, Everything shows nothing. Now, if I create a file/folder with that name in the windows Explorer, Everything won't still find that result
- however, Everything will mention something else once the directory/file is created, its name will be listed in appdata roaming microsoft windows recent in .lnk form
- another kind of test, I now cut-and-paste that new directory into another partition, and then, instantly, the proper result is found in addition to the .link result ( screenshot: )
Error logging: I tried to "create" something not cluttered,
- I activated the error log just now with /debug_log as a search
- I searched for something not existing anywhere yet, a randomly chosen string, "yetanothertestcomeon" -- no result found, no surprise
- I created a directory with that name on the partition that has the problem, in the Windows explorer
- there is now one result in the Everything windows, but it's yetanothertestcomeon.lnk in c:\users\ my name \Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
- now I cut and paste the "yetanothertestcomeon" directory from the problem partition, into another partition: Everything instantly shows the directory as being present in that partition, and *still* shows the .link from c:\users\ my name \Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
- last stop, opening the error log from %TEMP%\Everything Debug Log.txt and saving it to disk
I attached this error log in .zip format.
I don't see what else to do at this point.
Once again: I can live with this problem, it's no big hussle, it's not like it's a life and death issue.